
ASD Minna Chau ASD Minna Chau

How to prepare your child with ASD for mainstream kindergarten

When children with autism grow up, parents may consider sending them to mainstream kindergarten. However, parents may worry about whether their child can adapt to school life, what difficulties they may encounter, and whether they will exhibit problematic behaviours such as crying or throwing tantrums. Alternatively, if the child is already attending kindergarten, parents may frequently receive negative feedback from teachers, despite their efforts to teach their child at home. All of these issues can cause great distress for parents.

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ADHD, ASD Minna Chau ADHD, ASD Minna Chau

Our Journey with PCIT

How Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Helped Me Regain Confidence in Managing My Child's Behavior

When I became a mother to my beautiful son, Shawn, I couldn't have been happier. However, as he grew, I noticed that his behavior was becoming increasingly challenging. At four years old, Shawn was often uncooperative, defiant, and seemed to struggle with self-control. As a young mother, I felt unsure of how to handle these issues and began to lose confidence in my ability to manage Shawn's behavior effectively.

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ASD, ADHD Minna Chau ASD, ADHD Minna Chau

What is twice exceptional?

Twice exceptional, also known as 2e, refers to individuals who are both gifted and have a learning or developmental disability. These individuals have exceptional abilities or talents in one or more areas, such as academics, creativity, or leadership, but also have a disability, such as ADHD, dyslexia, or autism, that can hinder their ability to learn and function in certain areas.

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