應用行為分析 ABA Therapy

  • 我們的行為治療師以科學角度看待自閉症、過度活躍症及其他發展遲緩或面對行為挑戰的小朋友,治療師會透過分析不同行為的目的,為孩子訂定專屬療程,絕不機械式。

  • 應用行為分析(ABA)是一個循證的教學方法,並且應用獎勵(強化物),以正向方式鼓勵小朋友願意去接觸不同事物及發展言語技巧,強化物可指玩具、他們喜歡的小吃等,幫助及教導孩子使用適當的行為和反應。

  • 透過有系統的一對一ABA學習模式,孩子可學到的不只有語言溝通、認知/學業,更包括社交技巧和獨立適應日常生活的各種技能。 

  • ABA行為治療的訓練範疇包括:語言、社交、認知、行為情緒及自理能力

  • ABA行為治療一種以證據為基礎的教學方式。經過多年的科學認證已証明ABA可有效改變行為。

How will ABA Therapy help my child?

ABA therapy is used to help children with challenging behaviors, and social and communication delays such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, build skills they do not develop automatically and reduce behaviors that interfere with learning and communication. With effectiveness backed up by hundreds of studies, it is considered a best practice treatment by the American Psychological Association and has been used to help children with Autism and related developmental disorders since the 1960s.

ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. It can be conducted individually or via group instruction at home, in school, or elsewhere in the community. The goal is to help people increase behaviors or develop skills meaningful to their daily lives, and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning.

At Sprout in Motion, each ABA program is designed and overseen by a qualified and trained Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The BCBA begins by conducting a detailed assessment of each child’s interests, skills, needs, and family situation, which are used to write specific treatment goals and develop an individualized treatment plan.

What challenges are the focus of ABA Therapy?

ABA therapists work with children to improve:

  • Communication and language abilities

  • Self-care and life skills

  • Play and leisure skills

  • Motor skills

  • Academic skills

  • Social skills and social-emotional development


Vivian Cheung
Senior Behavioral Therapist

Ming Tang
Senior Behavioral Therapist

Rachel Chan
Behavioral Therapist